Our Expertise

“A professional and collaborative approach to property development”

Our Expertise

“A professional and collaborative approach to property development”

Part Of A Wider Team

Maine Independent Living operate as part of a wider network of Partners working together to deliver successful, integrated and cost-beneficial supported living strategies.

Image showing close up of two people shaking hands

Part Of A Wider Team

Maine Independent Living operate as part of a wider network of Partners working together to deliver successful, integrated and cost-beneficial supported living strategies.

The “Partnership”

Working in partnership is about developing relationships, adding value and being an integral stakeholder in the development project.

As just one of the partners in the process, Maine Independent Living takes great responsibility for the role it plays and for the success of the schemes. We adopt a transparent and collaborative approach to the way we work and have direct relationships with each of the below stakeholders.

Commissioning Officers

The whole process begins with the Commissioning Officers and their assessment of demand.

Existing housing stock, the growing need to house those that will benefit from living independently, current vacancy rates, available funding and demographic growth forecasts all go to determine where the housing requirements are most needed and where they will be most beneficial.

Local Authorities

With Local Authorities budgets stretched, yet still facing the ever increasing need to house vulnerable adults, we provide an effective solution to identifying and developing adapted housing for those with support needs.

Providing long term secured housing solutions through the private developer route is what we are able to offer.

The homes we develop are all managed and maintained by Registered Housing Providers and this ensures there is always a separation between Landlord and Care Provider.

Care Providers

Our close working relationships with the numerous Charities and Care Providers ensures we are always one step ahead in making sure that the right specification of property is provided for.

Working closely with the CPs means we are able to fully understand the bespoke requirements of the residents and their families.

Registered Providers

As well as working with the Care Providers, we also work very closely with many of the Registered Housing Providers.

We understand the RP’s role is to manage and maintain the properties and in order to effect smooth business operations they don’t wish their time to be taken up with developing and delivering costly and time consuming schemes.

Working in partnership with us means that we can undertake this role which means a greater number of homes can be delivered and more vulnerable adults are able to secure the supported homes they desire.

Commissioning Officers

The whole process begins with the Commissioning Officers and their assessment of demand.

Existing housing stock, the growing need to house those that will benefit from living independently, current vacancy rates, available funding and demographic growth forecasts all go to determine where the housing requirements are most needed and where they will be most beneficial.

Local Authorities

With Local Authorities budgets stretched, yet still facing the ever increasing need to house vulnerable adults, we provide an effective solution to identifying and developing adapted housing for those with support needs.

Providing long term secured housing solutions through the private developer route is what we are able to offer.

The homes we develop are all managed and maintained by Registered Housing Providers and this ensures there is always a separation between Landlord and Care Provider.

Care Providers

Our close working relationships with the numerous Charities and Care Providers ensures we are always one step ahead in making sure that the right specification of property is provided for.

Working closely with the CPs means we are able to fully understand the bespoke requirements of the residents and their families.

Registered Providers

As well as working with the Care Providers, we also work very closely with many of the Registered Housing Providers.

We understand the RP’s role is to manage and maintain the properties and in order to effect smooth business operations they don’t wish their time to be taken up with developing and delivering costly and time consuming schemes.

Working in partnership with us means that we can undertake this role which means a greater number of homes can be delivered and more vulnerable adults are able to secure the supported homes they desire.

Delivering Quality

We are committed to developing properties of the highest quality specification and we are committed to developing homes that suit the needs of the residents.

Image showing a dining table and breakfast bar

Quality as Standard

We value each of the partners we work alongside and find that working in collaboration with Local Authorities, Commissioning Officers, the Care Providers and the Registered Providers means we are able to develop the right accommodation, for the right people in the right locations.

With the residents at the heart of our schemes we ensure that each of the properties we develop is bespoke and suits the requirements of the individuals.

Quality as Standard

We value each of the partners we work alongside and find that working in collaboration with Local Authorities, Commissioning Officers, the Care Providers and the Registered Providers means we are able to develop the right accommodation, for the right people in the right locations.

With the residents at the heart of our schemes we ensure that each of the properties we develop is bespoke and suits the requirements of the individuals.

Bespoke solutions for individual needs

We understand that each individual has their own set of support requirements. Working hand-in-hand with the Care Providers means we have a detailed understanding of these requirements and we are able to translate the technical specifications and match the accommodation to deliver the exacting needs of the individuals.

Image showing a bathroom adapted for independent living

Bespoke solutions for individual needs

We understand that each individual has their own set of support requirements. Working hand-in-hand with the Care Providers means we have a detailed understanding of these requirements and we are able to translate the technical specifications and match the accommodation to deliver the exacting needs of the individuals.

We’re Ready To Talk

To discuss our latest developments, projects or your bespoke requirements visit our contact page or call us on 0121 232 4637.

To discuss our latest developments, projects or your bespoke requirements visit our contact page or call us on 0121 232 4637.